Wild West Gold Rush VR game

Wild West VR map

Genre: ㅤㅤDungeon VR Shooter
Age:ㅤ         from 12 y/o


The desert sands trembled under the relentless sun, as if thirsting for blood and gold. The dust rose in the air, forming fleeting clouds over the arid land. The sun scorched mercilessly, like a red-hot blacksmith’s forge. The town of Sanderville bore witness to a fierce and bloody struggle for the right to possess the gold claim.

Two gangs, the «Sand Serpents» and the «Dusty Hounds,» clung to each other like predators fighting over prey. The «Sand Serpents» were led by Tom «Venom» Harris — tall and lean, with a cold gaze and a Winchester in his hand. He earned his nickname for his speed and precision, with which he delivered deadly shots. 

Facing them were the «Dusty Hounds.»

The battle for control of the claim reached its boiling point. Shots followed, like a song of death, and a harsh shootout began.
The dust enveloped the golden claim, creating an atmosphere of chaos and fear. It was so quiet all around that you could only hear the click of fingers cocking revolver hammers. Bullets whistled over the heads, leaving deadly traces in crates and empty barrels.

The wind carried the scent of gunpowder and sweat, while the gold fever blazed in the eyes of every fighter.
Choose, a Winchester or a pair of peacemakers, and pray that your weapon won’t fail you.
The gunfire would continue until the sky turned to the bloody shades of sunset.


This VR game is set in the Wild West, in the location of an abandoned gold mine. The area includes houses, mine shafts, a piece of railway with scattered wagons, pipes, stagecoach wheels, a forgotten prospector’s campsite, and much more. The game maze consists of wooden fences, crates of equipment, water barrels, logs, and cacti, with players using authentic Winchesters and Peacemakers for shooting. Surrounding the village are the desert mountains of Arizona. The VR game has an age restriction of 12 years. However, like in our other games, the «no blood» option can lower this restriction.

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