Winter village Snowball
VR game
Winter map
Genre: ㅤㅤShooter
Age:ㅤ from 10 y/o
Snowballs? What the hell? Who stole our machine guns and blasters and why are we in this village? Where did all this snow come from?
Soldiers! I have two pieces of news, good and bad…
Firstly, the bandits have stolen all of our weapons and ammunition.
Secondly, we’ve found a whole stash of snowball launchers in the village. We’ll fight with what we have, especially since we don’t need to search for ammunition, the snow is under our feet. Let’s go, soldiers! Let’s hit them hard.
Snowball VR game video from Warstation Franchise
This non-militaristic VR game, part of the Warstation franchise, is designed for those who do not accept violence and brutality in games. On one hand, it is a classic shooter, but on the other, the shooting is done with snowballs in a snowy village setting. Nothing will remind you of the violence found in traditional games, so we highly recommend this VR game for families with children or for dates.
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